Our Experts
Maha Al-Till Amr, MD, FRCS-Ophth
Dr. Maha Al-Till Amr, MD; FRCS-Ophth (Edinburgh) is a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon with subspecialty in anterior segment diseases (Refractive surgery, corneal diseases, glaucoma and cataract) as well as medical retinal diseases.
As an Associate Professor in Ophthalmology, Dr. Maha was the Director of Ophthalmology Department at the Jordan University Hospital from 1999-2006, and the Director of the Jordan Eye Bank from 1999-2006. She is a member and examiner at many national and international committees, such as the Jordanian Medical Council, the Jordanian Ophthalmological Society, the Scientific Committee of the Jordanian Board of Ophthalmology, and the Arab Board of Ophthalmology (until 2009). She is also a member of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), and the American Academy of Ophthalmologists (AAO).
Dr. Maha belongs to the Friends Society of the Jordan Eye Bank & Prevention of Blindness and a member of the Jordan Society for Organ Donation. She is an active member of the International Women Forum- Jordan Chapter (IWF- Jordan).
Two decades of courses, workshops and conferences in Ophthalmology gave her a unique practice in her specialization and a keen leadership in patient care. Dr. Maha holds an MBBS from the University of Jordan, an MSc in Ophthalmology and a Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS) of Edinburgh.
1. Causes of Blindness amongst Adult Jordanians: A Hospital-Based study. Bdour, Al-Till, Abu Khader. European Journal of Ophthalmology. Jan/Feb 2002; 12(1):5-10.
2. Ophthalmologic Findings in fifteen patients with Wolfram Syndrome. Al-Till, Jarrah, Ajlouni. European Journal of Ophthalmology. March/April 2002;12(2):84-88.
3. Cerebellar hypoplasia, hypergonadotrophichypogonadism, retinitis pigmentosa, alopecia, microcephaly, psychomotor retardation, and short stature: “D-CHRAMPS” syndrome. Hiyasat, Dehyyat, Ajlouni, Al-Till .European Journal of Paediatrics (2002)161:170-172.
4. Hypogoradotrophichypogonadism, short stature, cerebellar ataxia, rod-cone retinal dystrophy, and hypersegmented neutrophils: a novel disorder or a new variant of Boucher – Neuhauser syndrome? A K Jbour, A F Mubaidin, M Al - Till, H El - Shanti, AHadidi, K M Ajlouni. J Med Genet 2003; 40:e 2.
5. Radiological Findings in Wolfram Syndrome. A Hadidy, N Jarrah, M Al-Till, H El-Shanti, K Ajlouni. Saudi Med J 2004; Vol. 25(5).
6. Visual outcome after corneal graft at Jordan University Hospital. M Al-Till. Jordan Med J 2004; Vol. 38(2), 189-196.
7. Kearns Sayre Syndrome: a case- report. M Al-Till.Jordan Med J 2004; Vol. 38(2), 277-279.
8. Risk Factors for Retinopathy of Prematurity at Jordan University Hospital. M Al-Bdour, M Al-Till, R Bin Tareef, AShamayleh.Middle East Journal of Ophthalmology 2004; Vol. 12(2), 108-111.
9. Prevalence of Blindness and Visual Impairment among DiabeticJordanians. M Al-Till, M Al-Bdour, K Ajlouni. Eur J Ophthalmol;2005 Jan-Feb; 15(1)62-8.
10. "Clinical Biomicroscopy versus Fluorescein Angiography: Effectiveness and Sensitivity in Detecting Diabetic Retinopathy". European Journal of Ophthalmology 2007; 17(1): 84-88.
11. Argon laser: A modality of treatment for trichiasis.M.Al-Bdour, M.Al-Till. International Journal of BiomedicalSciences(IJBS) 2007; 3 (1): 56-59.
12. Risk Factors for Diabetic Retinopathy among Jordanian Diabetics.Al Bdour MD, Al Till MI , Abu SamraK.Middle East Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 15(2):71-74.
13. Pseudoexfoliation syndrome at Jordan University Hospital.Al Bdour MD, Al Till MI , Abu Samra K. Idress G. ActaOphthalmolScand 2008.

Muawyah Al Bdour MBBS, FRCS-Ophth
Dr. Al Bdour is a Professor of ophthalmology. He completed his undergraduate training and his residency in ophthalmology in Jordan. He then worked at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary in the United Kingdom and obtained his Fellowship in ophthalmology from the Royal College of Surgeons/Ireland in 1995.
Muawyah initially joined the Jordan University of Science and Technology then moved to the University of Jordan where he has been the chairman of the Ophthalmology Department for 7 years. He was the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Jordan from October 2013 till September 2015. Muawyah is a full Professor boasting more than 30 international publications and many educational contributions to national, regional and international teaching institutes and conferences. Since 2006, he is the Director of Jordan Eye Bank, a unique national institute dealing with corneas.
Prof. Al Bdour has been an examiner for the Jordanian and Arab Boards in Ophthalmology for more than a decade. Currently he is the Vice president of the Scientific committee for the Arab Board of Ophthalmology and he is an examiner for the ophthalmology Fellowship at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. He is also a member of many international bodies such as the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons(ESCRS) and and the American Academy of Ophthalmologists (AAO).
With an experience of more than 25 years in ophthalmology at well known educational institutes, Muawyah was exposed to a wide variety of ophthalmic cases. He developed a Cumulative medical and surgical experience in this field that qualified him to be a formidable consultant ophthalmologist. He deals mostly with corneal diseases including keratoconus, refractive surgery, cataract, glaucoma, squint and medical retinal diseases especially those related to diabetes.
1. Al-Bdour MD, Azab MA. Childhood eye injuries in North Jordan. Int Ophthalmol 1998; 22(5): 269-73.
2. Al-Bdour MD. A three - year survey of serious ocular injuries. Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society 2000; 12(2): 77-80.
3. Askari AS, Al-Bdour MD, Saadeh AM, Sawalha AU. Ankylosing spondylitis in North Jordan: A descriptive and analytical study. Ann Rheum Dis 2000; 59 (7): 571-3.
4. Al-Bdour MD, Odat TA, Tahat AA. Myopia and level of education. Eur J Ophthalmol 2001; 11(1): 1-5
5. Al-Bdour MD, Al-Till MI, Abu-Khader IB. Causes of blindness among adult Jordanians. A hospital-based study. Eur J Ophthalmol 2002; 12 (1): 5-10
6. Askari AS, Al-Bdour MD, Shihadeh WA. Rheumatoid Arthritis in North Jordan. Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society 2002; 16 (1): 13-16.
7. Al-Bdour MD, Al-Latayfeh MM. Risk factors for pterygium in adult Jordanian population. Acta Ophthalmol Scand 2004; 82 (1): 64-67
8. Al-Bdour MD, Al-Till MI, Bin-Tarif RM, Shamayleh AK. Evaluation of risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity at Jordan University Hospital.Middle East Journal of Ophthalmolgy 2004; 2: 108-11
9. Al-Till MI, Al-Bdour MD, Ajlouni KM. Prevalence of blindness and visual impairment among a population of Jordanian diabetics. Eur J Ophthalmol 2005; 15 (1): 62-8.
10. Mallen EA, Gammoh Y, Al-Bdour M, Sayegh F. Refractive error and ocular biometry in Jordanian adults. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2005; 25 (4): 302-9.
11. Al-Bdour MD. Eyebrow to eyelid cilia transplant: a case report. Case Rep Clin Pract Rev 2005; 6: 351-3
12. Khalaf SS, Al-Bdour MD, Al Till MI. Clinical biomicroscopy versus fluorescine angiography. Effectiveness and sensitivity in detecting diabetic retinopathy. Eur J Ophthalmol 2007; 17 (1): 84-8.
13. Al-Bdour MD, Al Till MI,. Argon laser: A modality of treatment for trichiasis. Int J Biomed Sci (IJBS) 2007; 3 (1): 56-9
14. Al-Bdour MD, Dahabreh LS. Late opacification of hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lens: case report. Middle East Afr J Ophthalmol 2008; 15(1): 37-8.
15. Al Amer RM, Khader Y, Malas S, AbuYaghi N, Al-Bdour MD, Ajlouni K. Prevalence and risk factors of diabetic retinopathy among Jordanian patients with type 2 Diabetes. Digital Journal of Ophthalmology 2008, volume 14, Number 2.
16. Al-Bdour MD, Al Till MI, Abu Samra K .Risk Factors for Diabetic Retinopathy among Jordanian Diabetics. Middle East Afr J Ophthal 2008; 15(2):77-80
17. Al-Bdour MD, Al Till MI, Abu Samra K. Idress G. Pseudoexfoliation syndrome at Jordan University Hospital. Acta Ophthalmol Scand August 2008; 86 (7): 755-7
18. Al-Bdour MD, Madieh SS, Younis AA, Abu Yaghi NE. Correlation between central corneal thickness, corneal curvature, corneal endothelial cell density and intraocular pressure measurements among a sample of non – glaucomatous population in Jordan. Jordan Medical Journal 2009; 43 (2): 98-106.
19. Gharaibeh AM, Muhsen SM, Abu Khader IB, Ababneh OH,Abu-Ameerh MA,
Al-Bdour MD. Kera Ring Intrastromal Corneal Ring Segments for Correction of Keratoconus. Cornea 2012. 31 (2): 115-120.
20. Jammal HM, Khader Y, Shawer R, Al Bdour M.Posterior segment causes of reduced visual acuity after phacoemulsification in eyes with cataract and obscured fundus view. Clin Ophthalmol 2012; 6: 1843-8.
21. Ameerh MA, Hamad GI, Ababneh OH, Gharaibeh AM,Refai , Bdour MD. Ferrara ring segments implantation for treating keratoconus.Int J Ophthalmol 2012;5(5):586-90
22. Abu Ameerh MA, Al Refai RM. Al Bdour MD. Keratoconus patients at Jordan University Hospital: a descriptive study. Clin Ophthalmol 2012; 6: 1895-9.
23. Ababneh OH, Yousef YA, Gharaibeh AM, Abu Ameerh MA, Abu-Yaghi NE, Al Bdour MD. Intravitreal Bevacizumab in the Treatment of Diabetic Ocular Neovascularization. Retina. 2013 ;33 (4): 748-55.
24. Abu Ameerh MA, Mohammed SF, Mohammad MT, Al Bdour MD, Ababneh OH .Ocular Manifestations of Behcet's Disease in Jordanian Patients.. Saudi J Ophthalmol 2013; 27 (4): 247-51.
25. Ophthalmic Emergency Manual. Al Bdour MD, Abu Ameerh MA. First edition 2014 Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Ltd. ISBN 978-93-5090-988-1.
26. Al Bdour MD , Ali ZR . Intravitreal foreign body following Intravitreal anti-VEGF injection; a case report . Eye 2014; 28 (2): 244-5.
27. Abu Ameerh MA, Bussières N, Hamad GI, Al Bdour MD .Topographic characteristics of keratoconus among a sample of Jordanian patients. Int J Ophthalmol 2014; 7(4):714-9.
28. Gharaibeh AM, Awidi AS, Ababneh OH, Abu-Ameerh MA, Awidi MA, Saleh MM, Bener A, Al-Khateeb MA, Dweik MR, Al Bdour MD Prevalence of thrombophilic genetic factors among patients with retinitis pigmentosa Retina 2014 Oct;34(10):2147-50
29. Rabiu MM, Al Bdour MD, Abu Ameerh MA, Jadoon MZ .Prevalence of blindness and diabetic retinopathy in northern Jordan . Eur J Ophthalmol 2015; 25 (4): 320-7.
Mohammed A. Abu Ameerh, MD, FRCS-Ophth (Glasgow)
Mohammed was born in Jordan 1973. He graduated from the medical school at Jordan University of Science and Technology in 1998. He was awarded the higher specialization in ophthalmic medicine and surgery from the faculty of graduate studies at the University of Jordan, Amman in June 2003. He holds the Jordanian Board of Ophthalmology since September 2003. He earned the fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow / UK in March 2007. He obtained his fellowship in vitreoretinal surgery from Universitatsklinikum Giessen und Marburg and Der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat /Frakfurt Germany in 2008.
In 2008, he joined the University of Jordan and was promoted to associate professor of ophthalmology in 2013 for his considerable publications in international journals.
Dr. Abu Ameerh is a visiting vitreoretinal surgeon at Prince Hamzeh Bin Al Hussein Hospital since 2010 and participated in training of young ophthalmologists at Al-Basher Hospital in corporation with the Prevention of Blindness Union during 2015.
He has been an examiner for the Jordanian and Arab Ophthalmology Board for several years. He is interested in management of diabetic retinopathy and maculopathy including surgical treatment of complicated diabetic eyes.
1. Prevalence of blindness and diabetic retinopathy in northern Jordan. Rabiu MM1, Al Bdour MD, Abu Ameerh MA, Jadoon MZ, Eur J Ophthalmol. 2015 Feb
2. Enucleation and evisceration at a tertiary care hospital in a developing country
Osama H. Ababneh, Eman A. AboTaleb, Mohammad A. Abu Ameerh, and Yacoub A. Yousef. BMC Ophthalmol. 2015; 15: 120. PMCID: PMC4566484
3. Prevalence of thrombophilic genetic factors among retinitis pigmentosa patients
Gharaibeh AM1, Awidi AS, Ababneh OH, Abu-Ameerh MA, Awidi MA, Saleh MM, Bener A, Al-Khateeb MA, Dweik MR, Albdour MD. Retina. 2014 Oct;34(10):2147-50.
4. Topographic characteristics of keratoconus among a sample of Jordanian patients
Mohammed Abu Ameerh, Bussierese Nathalie, Ghada Hamad, Muawyah D. Al. Bdour. Int J Ophthalmol. 2014; 7(4): 714–719. Published online 2014 Aug 18. doi: 10.3980/j.issn.2222-3959.2014.04.24. PMCID: PMC4137213
5. Intravitreal Bevacizumab in the Treatment of Diabetic Ocular Neovascularization. Osama H. Ababneh,MD, Yacoub A. Yousef, MD, Almutez M. Gharaibeh, MD, Mohammed A. Abu Ameerh, MD,Nakhleh E. Abu-Yaghi, MD, Muawyah D. AL Bdour, MD. Retina, The Journal of Retina and Vitreous diseases volume 33, issue 4 Pages 748-755, April 2013
6. Ocular manifestations of behcet’s disease in Jordanian patients Mohammed A. Abu-Ameerh, FRCS, Sawsan F. Mohammed, MD, Mona T. Mohammad, MD, Osama H. Ababneh, MD, Muawyah D. Al-Bdour,MD , Saudi journal of Ophthalmology , volume 27 , issue 4 Pages 247-251, October 2013
7. Ferrara Ring Segments Implantation for Treating keratoconus. Mohammed Abu Ameerh, Ghada Ismail Hamad , Osama H. Ababneh ,Almutez M. Gharaibeh, Rola M. Al Refai, Muawyah D. Al Bdour. International Journal of Ophthalmology volume 5 , issue 5 , 18 October 2012
8. Keratoconus Patients at Jordan University Hospital: A Descriptive Study. Mohammed A. Abu Ameerh, MB.BS, FRCS (glasg) Rola M. Al Refai, MB.BS, FRCS (glasg) Muawyah. D Al Bdour, MB.BS, FRCS (ophth), Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology, volume 6, issue Pages 1895 – 1899, November 2012
9. Kera Ring intrastromal corneal ring segments for correction of keratoconus
Gharaibeh AM, Muhsen SM, AbuKhader IB, Ababneh OH, Abu-Ameerh MA, Albdour MD. Cornea. Volume 31, issue 2 February 212
10. Opthalmic Emergency Manual.Muawah D Al Bdour, Mohammed A Abu Ameerh . Jaypee Brothers Medical Publisher (P)LTD