Retinal Surgery
About the surgery
Pars Plana Vitrectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the vitreous gel in the central cavity of the eye so that the retina can be operated upon.
On average, it takes between one to two hours and can be performed under local or general anesthesia depending on the complexity of the disease and the patient ability to lie down in flat position for the time of the procedure.
Once the vitreous is removed from the eye during the procedure, it should be replaced by air bubble, gas bubble or silicon oil.
What you are likely to experience after the procedure?
Sensitive, red and swollen eyes due to the nature of the surgery.
If gas has been inserted into the vitreous chamber, your vision will be poor until the bubble is gradually absorbed.
The most important factor determining your rate of recovery and final outcome is the pre-operative condition for which the Vitrectomy was performed.
You will be prescribed a combination of drops to apply when you go home.
Postoperative Instructions
Since Vitrectomy is often performed along with other procedures, postoperative instructions may vary. Here are some general guidelines:
If gas or oil has been inserted into the eye, you will be advised on how to position your head. This helps ensure that the gas or oil is in contact with the affected retina, in order to encourage healing. You may be advised to maintain this position for up to 45 minutes of every hour for 3-7 days.
Air travel is not allowed with gas in the eye for 2-6 weeks. The reduced atmospheric pressure causes the gas bubble to expand, which can raise the pressure in the eye to dangerous levels.
Begin using any anti-inflammatory and antibiotic drops prescribed by your physician immediately after your eye patch has been removed.
Take simple analgesia to relieve the mild discomfort.
Wear the plastic eye shield when sleeping for the first 7 days following surgery.
Avoid strenuous activity for one week (unless directed otherwise by your physician).
If Silicon oil is injected during the procedure, a second operation to remove it may be required later on.